this is your safe space
my soul's purpose

my soul incarnated into this lifetime with a mission to serve the women in my community
To awaken to the new earth and new ways to living. To break through the generational cycles and patterns that no longer serve them.
I was DONE accepting the narrative that being a mother automatically meant being depleted, overwhelmed, overstimulated and putting myself last.
This wasn’t going to be true for me. We’re NOT meant to do this alone.
I believe the Universe gives us tragedies, so we can pass along how we survived it to the next generation of sufferers. Then maybe one day - there will be no more suffering.
Through the depths of my postpartum depression and recurrent miscarriage. Re-establishing my connection with the earth, the universe and my higher self, I discovered how powerful self care truly is.
And I'm here to share that with you.
I am passionate about what we put ON and IN our bodies and the information we consume
It ALL plays a part in the big picture of our health, wellness, happiness and fertility.
Through this journey, a seed was planted, my intuition was calling. A village needed to be cultivated.
It takes a village. We're not meant to do this alone.
Luna Rosa was born.
Here to inspire and empower you to take care of yourself first, guiding you to reconnect with the divine feminine within and to find ease + flow in your life with mystical magic of plant wisdom and sacred self care rituals. Rooted in deep healing.

it is my soul's purpose and mission to hold the torch and be a guiding light for the women and mamas of the world on their own healing journey, body, mind and spirit!
It’s time for us to reclaim our power
It’s time to make space for our own needs and desires, to clear out what is holding us back from the life we’re truly meant to live.
It’s time to be your OWN inner authority and STOP carrying what doesn’t belong to you.

we believe beauty is ageless
You won't find the words 'anti-aging' anywhere on our products or in our brand. Aging is a rite of passage, a natural evolution as we journey through the human experience.